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Lizard Brain Caught in Lie!

Posted in Information, life, Politics by alangustin on September 5, 2010

The Lizard Brain himself

CNN, the highest-rated news organization today (snicker), runs an article about Keith Olbermann calling Glen Beck a liar because the host “inaccurately told the crowd at his recent Washington, DC rally that he “held” George Washington’s handwritten inaugural address.”  Read article

Some of the the comments that followed the article were civilized and interesting.  But what made me laugh, were liberals, who don’t like Mr. Beck and call him a “hate-monger”, had these things to say about Mr. Beck and his followers:

lizard brain, idiot, hypocrite and a liar, twisted, bigoted, racist loud-mouth, all Mormons are pathological liars, class-less fool, nut-case, deluded liar, undereducated whine bag, lying gas bag, modern KKK, You Tea Baggers, Like a slimy televangelist, these people are f$@king crazy, slay Glenn Beck, human scum,  you whiney Christian Conservatives, freaking lunatic, people who behave like him eventually kill themselves, What a FREAK!!!!, Beck is a dangerous man, this Nazi, idiot Teabag lemmings, shock jock nutjob, loud mouth moron, a pathetic excuse for a human being, the feeble-minded who follow him, a bunch of stupid people, i hate glenn beck, pathological liar, he’s an egomaniac, Beck is a fraud, “Spewers of Lies”, You teabaggers, He’s a freakin idiot, Glenn Beck is A Lying Scumbag, Teabagging NUTs, you wingNUT fools, this bag of wind, a clever pusbag, pawn of the anti-Christ, he is a Nazi devil, the mouth-piece of Satan, former alcoholic zookeeper, A charlatan and perfect snake-oil salesman, right wing anti-Obama pigs, Snake oil salesman, he is a fake, a fraud, a con-man, stupid people believe him, he is an ignorant buffoon, I despise Glenn Beck, that idiot Beck, weak-minded xenophobes, loud-mouthed idiot, constant lies by Beck and his racist buddies, right wing nut job, Glenn(the hate monger)Beck, this moron, this babbling lunatic, attention/media whores like he and Palin, He’s a liar and a sociopath, right wing nuts, I think Beck is a scumbag among scumbags, glenn beck is a moron, Glenn Beck is human scum and a liar, …etc.

I think the next time you libs feel like accusing someone of “hate-speech“, you should check yourselves.  I hear more hateful rhetoric coming from the far-left than from the far-right by a large margin.

The few ‘civilized’ comments held a common theme… “hey, let’s stop all this stupidity and have a conversation about what’s wrong with our country and make sensible suggestions about how to get back on track as the greatest nation in the world.” 

If you’ve ever subscribed to a political newsgroup, you would find the most vile, obscene, hateful comments you could ever imagine.  Both ‘right-wingers’ and left-wingers’ are capable of the worst kind of profane name-calling imaginable.  That’s why I don’t go there anymore.  The trolls are truly disgusting.

I have, at times, grown weary of Mr. Beck’s style of  ‘info-entertainment’, but I believe he is sincere in his patriotism. Whether or not he is sincere, or just trying to make money, is a matter between he and God.  But when the left resort to ‘hateful-name-calling’ while accusing someone like Beck of ‘hate-mongering’ and of being a ‘hypocrite’… well, that’s true irony.